
Wine is as a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on Linux.

Wine does not require Microsoft Windows, as it is a completely free alternative implementation of the Windows API consisting of 100% non-Microsoft code, however Wine can optionally use native Windows DLLs if they are available. Wine is a program loader, allowing many unmodified Windows programs to run on x86-based Unix.

Utilities for Wine


Wine-doors is an application designed to make installing Windows software into Wine much easier. It is essentially a package management tool for Windows software on Linux systems, like Synaptic for Ubuntu.


winetricks is a script to download and install various redistributable runtime libraries into your Wine setup to be able to run certain applications.

Tips & Tricks

By default, Wine uses Windows colour scheme for the applications GUIs.
But this doesn't fit very well with Ubuntus colours.

Wine-doors already gives you the possibility to install a set of colors that fit well with Ubuntus desktop look, but In the Ubuntu forums, there's a good guide about how to change the colour scheme by hand.


AcetoneISO2, is a feature-rich and complete software application to manage CD/DVD images. Thanks to powerful open source tools such as fuseiso, AcetoneISO2 will let you mount typical proprietary images formats of the Windows world such as ISO BIN NRG MDF IMG and do plenty of other things. Everything will be done inside a handy GUI.

It's installation is a bit tricky, so you can go and see my install instructions for Ubuntu.